Boating is one of the best ways to make the most of a beautiful day, but it always helps if the boat really feels like it’s yours. It can be difficult to pull off, but decorating your boat’s interior can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed while you’re on the water! We here at LMC Marine Center want you to get the most out of your maritime adventures, so we’ve put together some tips for interior decorating on your boat. To learn more, or to see the boats we have for sale, contact our store in Houston, Texas, today!

Mood Lighting

A boat’s interior lighting is designed to provide enough illumination to see where you’re at, but it’s not inspiring. Elevate the lighting a bit with LED lights, which are safer, long-lasting, bright, and power efficient. Then throw up some rope or string lights around the ceiling or seating perimeter, or add some battery-powered lamps, and you’ve got the lighting you need for a romantic evening or a relaxing night!


The seating on your boat is likewise designed more for utility than comfort. It’s easy to clean, it’s water-resistant, but it’s also sterile. Bring along some blankets or afghans and a few throw pillows to soften things up a bit. Wool and fleece are both fairly water-resistant and are nice and toasty. Old quilts and afghans made by friends and family can add a more personal touch, too.

Naturally, you want to think about the colors of the pillows and sheets and try to coordinate them. Maybe you go for a nautical theme with lighthouses, mermaids, or marine colors, or maybe you just choose a color and pattern you enjoy. It’s your boat, after all—enjoy the process.


That said, you won’t necessarily be able to just transplant a room from your house onto the boat. Humidity, rough waves, and more mean anything and everything aboard risks getting wet or tossed around. Paper decorations, for instance, can be a fun temporary addition, but they’re liable to get waterlogged and tear if they’re around too long.

Glass, of course, is a no-go, considering how delicate and dangerous it can be. Plastic, fabric, and wood are safer bets. Ornaments and baubles should be bought in shatter-resistant materials to avoid splintering. You also want lighter-weight decorations that can be fastened down rather than heavy items that might injure someone. Think ahead to avoid these problems. 

Anything you mount or fasten should be secure enough not to get knocked around or off walls by choppy waves, and you should avoid anything that could be a fire hazard. 

Ready to make your boat look like it’s yours? Contact us at LMC Marine Center for more ideas, or if you’re looking for a boat to try this with. We proudly serve the people of Houston and Conroe, Texas—let us serve you today!